Thursday, March 8, 2018

VIDEO: Gamergate Origins

For this weeks post, instead of a normal word blog, i'm instead going to post an original video, created over the course of a couple days. The video was intended for people who generally didn't follow the gamergate controversy at all while it was still going on, and instead waited until recently to finally look into it. In the comments you can see that the video had already been found to someone... opposing my side. Hopefully, google search results and people looking up Gamergate on youtube itself will lead to more people discovering my video, due to the use of keywords being a big factor on what'll pop up when searching for a video.

Clip is from the Colbert Report

Other sources used:

Game Over

So this is it. This is the end of the road. As said in the opening post of this blog, I'm a student at Rutger's university. This...